Calgary’s labour market has taken some big blows in recent years. Hit by the double edge sword of low oil prices and the pandemic, many Calgarians are still unemployed and becoming frustrated with their job search. As EI benefits and COVID supports run out, stress and anxiety are increasing for those wanting to work but not finding employment.

Unemployed individuals previously employed in the energy sector are faced with a tough decision. Should they wait for the oil and gas industry to pick up again and return to their previous roles, or should they find work outside the energy sector? It’s a tough decision, but for job seekers willing to transition into a different industry, help is available.

MCG Careers has been helping unemployed Albertans get back to work for over three decades. During that time, they have become industry experts in providing career and employment guidance and supports. MCG’s Alternative to Careers in Energy (ACE) program was developed specifically to help workers laid off from the energy sector transition into new careers in other industries.

ACE participants can include administrative staff, petroleum engineers, geoscientists, drilling and service rig operators, pipefitters, labourers, equipment operators, safety officers, or land agents. The previous job role isn’t important. As long as there is a history of employment in the energy sector, the ACE program can provide training and support to transition into new opportunities. ACE will provide participants with a personalized return to work plan, skills gap analysis, worksite training opportunities, along with employment readiness support, and job placement support. Short-term training to obtain or recertify industry certifications can also be provided. There is no cost to participate, and new participants are welcome to join at any time.
Interested individuals can connect with the ACE program by calling 587-352-0642, emailing, or through our website at